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Tablet Hotels

Tablet Hotels

Hurricane Sandy - Posted November 12, 2012
With great thanks to our friend and neighbors, we have been working hard to give back to the devastated communities of Rockaway, Long Beach, Belle Harbour and beyond.  With food, clothing and the necessary supplies collected, we've distributed goods throughout shelters, drives and stations set up across the shores in an ongoing effort to help displaced families and their hard hit surroundings. 

When a storm of this magnitude hits so close to home, its hard to hear, but it is most definitely harder to see. Below is a collection of photos depicting the damages sustained by the record breaking winds, sky high water surges and terrorizing fires that ripped through the towns of New York. These photos, though vividly accurate, do not begin to capture the true tragedy that is Hurricane Sandy.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to all those affected by the storm. Stay strong!